Taken just outside Windsor Castle, early in the morning of 31 August, 1997. My mother and I had just flown in overnight from Sydney, and were met by my father (who had been in England for a conference) at Heathrow Airport. Our first night’s accommodation […]
All posts filed under “1997 – Europe”
A grand tour of England, Scotland and Wales with my parents (with the
added thrill of arriving on the day of Princess Diana’s death!), followed by
quick side trips to Rome, Athens and Paris.
Camera was a Pentax Z-70 film SLR with a Tamron 28–200mm lens.

Castle Rising Castle
This spectacular 12th century keep is completely surrounded by high defensive earthworks, so this first breathtaking view of it is gained only as you pass through the gatehouse. Having been unable to tour Windsor Castle, this was the first real castle I’d ever visited – […]

Caerlaverock Castle
“So strong a castle that it feared no siege… in shape it was like a shield for it has but three sides round it, with a tower at each corner… And I think that you will never see a more finely situated castle, for on […]