“So strong a castle that it feared no siege… in shape it was like a shield for it has but three sides round it, with a tower at each corner… And I think that you will never see a more finely situated castle, for on […]
All posts tagged “Europe”

Via dell’Abbondanza, Pompeii
“The most amazing thing about Pompeii is that it is an entire town, filled with all the things you’d expect to see in a big city – government buildings, places of worship, public squares, busy roads, shops, baths, stadiums and theatres, houses both big and […]

Out of the Mist
A sombre, grey and foggy December morning in Venice. A vaporetto emerges from the dense mist, heading towards the Ferrovia ferry stop. I’m on another vaporetto – route no. 1 – heading towards St. Mark’s Square along the entire length of the Grand Canal, trying […]

Early Morning, Amsterdam
A quiet stroll along Amsterdam’s canals in the early morning before the city awakens for the day. We had only arrived from Portland the previous day, so a good coffee and walk was most welcome. Camera: Canon EOS Digital Rebel XTLens: Canon EF-S 17–85mmExposure: ISO […]

Amsterdam Bikes
Ubiquitous brightly-coloured “Townie” three-speed bikes resting against a wall outside a bike tour shop. The ride offered was touristy and breezy, but it was so much fun to cruise around using the amazing bicycle infrastructure in Amsterdam! It’s no wonder that bike commute rates approach […]

Clinica Dental
We only had a few hours to spend in Palma’s old town before having to head off to catch our flight to Barcelona, but we made the most of it. Lots of great sights were seen, including this stunning Art Nouveau facade near Plaça Major. […]

Antoni Gaudí’s weird synthesis of art and architecture is on full display on the superb rooftop terrace at Casa Milà. Here, chimneys take on the form of warriors in formation against a pure blue sky. The form and subtle textures make for endless photographic opportunities […]